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Each paper will be assigned a 15-minute time slot. The length of
the paper should not exceed 15 minutes to allow several minutes
for questions and discussions. The 15-minute time period will be
strictly enforced as we have a very full schedule.
The following equipment will be provided in each presentation
-Overhead projector
-Computer overhead projector
-A laptop computer with a CD-ROM drive, floppy drive, and MS
Powerpoint viewer.
Presenters are to report to session venue at least 20 minutes
prior to the start of the session to meet the session Chair and
to sort out any problems with their presentation. Note that
authors presenting electronically are encouraged to try their
presentation out in the session venue at the start of the break
preceding their session. Remember there could be up to 3 or 4
other presenters wanting to try out their presentations at the
same time so allow plenty of time.
There will be information for authors at the registration area
at which you can obtain information. Check the Final Program
when you check in for the exact time of your presentation as it
may have changed slightly from when originally scheduled. Any
last minute changes to the program will also be posted daily.
If you have any queries during conference, please direct to the
information desk.
copyright, 2017 ::
Izmir Governorship, Izmir Family and Social Policies Directorate,
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Dokuz Eylul University and
Social Sciences Research Society (Turkey).