Please first kindly read the Call-for-Papers annoncement carefully.
Important Forms: (Please click and download)
No paper will be accepted unless it fully complies with the full-paper template and given instructions.
Authors are advised to look at the full-paper template first (Authors can type directly on the template).
Please download the FULL PAPER TEMPLATE here.
Author guidelines
1. Papers should be submitted in Word format. All papers should be in English.
2. In preparing your manuscript for submission adhere to the following guidelines
Manuscripts should be type written using 12-point Times New Roman font and single line-spacing. The length of manuscripts should not normally exceed 15 printed pages (including tables, figures, references).
Title page
The cover page should contain the following information:
Title of the paper not exceeding 20 words
Author/s’ Names, affiliation and email (the corresponding author must be denoted with an asterisk *)
An abstract of 250-300 words is required with 5-7 keywords provided below the abstract. The abstract should indicate what the study is about, its purpose, the methodology, key results and conclusions. The abstract should be in italics.
Immediately after the abstract the JEL classification of the paper should be provided. This can be accessed at:
You must add your ORCID ID number
This can be obtained at:
The text should be in single spacing with 1.5 spacing between paragraphs.
Only references cited in the text should be alphabetically listed in the reference section at the end of the manuscript.
Refer to the following examples when referencing:
In the body of the text references should be as follows: Smith (2014); Smith and Lloyd (2013); Smith, Lloyd and Jones (2015). In instances where there are three authors and more the reference should be cited for the first time. Thereafter the reference should be as follows: Smith et al. (2015).
References at the end of a statement should be as follows: (Smith, 2014); (Smith & Lloyd, 2013); (Smith, Lloyd & Jones, 2015); (Smith et al., 2015)
Multiple references in the body of the text should be listed chronologically in descending order, starting with the most recent reference e.g. (Smith, Lloyd & Jones, 2015; Smith, 2014; Smith & Lloyd, 2013). In instances where an author has more than one article in a year and both are cited in the text, referencing should be as follows: Smith (2014a); Smith (2014b)
In compiling the reference list at the end of the text the following examples should be considered:
<Here is the reference for a Book:>
Estache, A. (2001). Accounting for Poverty in Infrastructure Reform: Learning from Latin America’s Experience. Washington, DC: The World Bank.
<Here is the reference for a Journal Article:>
Estache, A., González, M & Trujillo, L. (2002). What does ‘privatization’ do for efficiency? Evidence from Argentina’s and Brazil’s railways. World Development, 30(11), 1885-1897.
<Here is the reference for an Edited Book:>
Campos, J., Estache, A., Martin, N. & Trujillo, L. (2003). Macroeconomic effects of private sector participation in infrastrucrure. In W. R. Easterly (Ed.) Limits of Stabilization: Infrastructure, Public Deficits and Growth in Latin America (pp.139-170). Herndon: The World Bank.
<Here is the reference for a Working Paper:>
Estache, A., Gomez-Lobo, A. & Leipziger, D. (2000). Utility privatization and the needs of the poor in Latin America. Have we learned enough to get it right? World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2407. Washington D.C.: World Bank.
<Here is the reference for an Internet Resource:>
World Bank (2005). Private Participation in Infrastructure Project Database. Accessed 2012/02/02.
<Here is the reference for a Masters dissertation/Doctoral thesis:>
Pelser-Carstens, V. (2013). The Employment, Social and Psychological Contract and Work Outcomes in a Private Security Organisation. Masters Dissertation. Vanderbijlpark: North-West University.
Paper Length
15 pages (maximum)
Font Type: Times New Roman
Font Size (text) : 12
Font Size (Tables and Figures) : 10
Alignment: Left
Outline Level: Body Text
Left: 0
Right: 0
Before: 6
After: 6
Line Spacing: Single
Page Setup
Top: 2,5 cm
Bottom: 2,5 cm
Left: 1,5 cm
Right: 1,5 cm
Paper Size:
Special Size
Width : 17 cm
Height : 24 cm
Attention! Paper
size is NOT regular 21 x 29. Paper size must be 17 x24.