Numerous eminence keynote speakers, distinguished scholars of business, management, marketing, economics, finance as well as outstanding researchers from other social sciences and humanities have been invited to our conferences in the past years... Please have a look at our portfolio of speakers here.
Speakers invited in the past years: our portfolio of speakers
Faik Koray, Department of Economics at Louisiana State University, USA
"Limitations of Fiscal Policy"
Faik Koray is the Marjory B. Ourso Professor in the Department of Economics at Louisiana State University. He has received his PhD in economics from Duke University in 1984 and has been at LSU since then. His research is in the areas of macroeconomics and international finance. His research has been published in various academic journals including The Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Journal of International Finance, Journal of Macroeconomics, Canadian Journal of Economics, and Southern Economic Journal. He has taught Principles of Macroeconomics, Money and Banking, Intermediate Macroeconomics, International Finance, Macroeconomics for MBAs, and Graduate Macro I & II. |
Sedef Akgüngör, Chairman of the Deparment of Economics, Dokuz Eylul University “Transportation Network and Population Movements"
Sedef Akgüngör received her MA degree in Economics and PhD Degree in Agricultural Economics from Michigan
State University in 1992. She has research experience and interst on agricultural economics, economics
of food safety, regional economics, regional development. She is currently professor and department chair at
Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Business, Department of Economics. She has completed and/or
involved in several European Comission funded projects such as FP7 programme (FLABEL (running)),
European Science Foundation (ESF) ECRP Project (Constructing Regional Advantage), ESF Eurocores Project
(Inventing Europe Programme). She is the Turkish representative of Regional Studies Association. Prof. Akgüngör
has published in nunmerous refereed journals on regional economics, agricultural economics and agricultural policy.
El Thalassinos, University of Piraeus, Greece.
"How Rating Companies Affect the Markets: A New Holistic Approach"
He holds a BA degree in Economics from the University of Athens (1976) an MBA in International Business and Finance from De-Paul University Chicago USA (1979) and a Ph.D in International Economics and Econometrics from the University of Illinois Chicago USA (1983). He is a European Chair Jean Monnet in European Economic Integration (1997) and he was Head of Maritime Studies and Director of MSc. He is the Founder and the General Editor of the International Journal, European Research Studies first launched in 1998. His current research interests are in Macroeconomics, European Integration and European Monetary System, Quantitative Analysis and Econometric Forecasting and International Finance. |
Maria Fekete-Farkas, Szent Istvan University, Hungary. “Economic Growth and Natural Resource Management from Institutional Economics Point of View”
Maria Fekete-Farkas is currently working at Szent Istvan University. She has participated in several Hungarian and European projects and she has authored or co-authored over 200 scientific and professional papers. Her research work includes the area of agricultural economics focusing on the relationship between land use change, competitiveness, productivity and state of environment in the European Union with a special interest in externalities’ management and economic assessment of government interventions. |
Kennedy W. Munyua, Mount Kenya University, Kenya K. W. Waweru is the Dean of the School of Business and Public Management at Mount Kenya University. He is the founder and editor of the International Journal of Business Public Management and the founding Chairman of the International Conference for the Advancement of Business and Management Practice in Africa, a biennial conference. Mr. Waweru serves on the advisory boards of various international academic journals. He has been a scholar at the University of Nairobi, and Gulu University in Uganda. He obtained his MBA degree in finance from Egerton University and his bachelor’s degree from Kenyatta University. |