Sudi Apak,
Beykent University,
"World Financial
and Economic Crisis and It Impact on Turkish Banking Sector"
Prof. Dr.Sudi Apak
graduated from Industrial Engineering Dept. of Bosphorus Un. in
1979 . He did M.A. in Economics at Concordia Un. Montreal in
1983 and Ph.D.in Social Sciences Institute of Bosphorus Un. in
1989. After working Sabancı Holding, state owned and private
banks in Turkey,France ,Germany and Malta(1983-1999), he was
elected as Chairman of ADFIMI and WFDFI (World Federation of
Develoment Finance Institutions ) during 1999-2001. He worked
as Vice Rector and Dean at Trakya University (2001-2008)
Presently, he is working as Chairman of International Trade
Dept. of Beykent Un. |
Maria Fekete-Farkas, Szent Istvan University, Hungary.
Change Policy Negotiations and Economic Development".
She has participated in several
Hungarian and European projects and she has authored or
co-authored over 200 scientific and professional papers. Her
research work includes the area of agricultural economics
focusing on the relationship between land use change,
competitiveness, productivity and state of environment in the
European Union with a special interest in externalities’
management and economic assessment of government interventions.
Celali YILMAZ,
Capital Markets Board, Turkey
"Is it Time to
Consider Single Global Currency (SGC)?"
Dr Yilmaz graduated from Ankara
University, Faculty of Political Science, Department of Public
Finance (1991). He had his Masters degree from Marmara
University Banking and Insurance Institute, Capital Markets
program (1996) and had his doctorate degree at the same
Institute, Banking program (2001). He attend post-grad program
at the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Finance
(1997-98). He started his career at the Capital Market Board of
Turkey in 1991 as Assistant Auditor. After working as
Specialist, Senior Specialist and Department Head, his current
title is Istanbul Representative at the same Institution.