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Numerous eminence keynote speakers,  distinguished scholars of business, management, marketing, economics, finance as well as outstanding researchers from other social sciences and humanities have been invited to our conferences in the past years... Please have a look at our portfolio of speakers here.


Speakers invited in the past years: our portfolio of speakers






Paul G. Nixon, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands

"Government Protest and Social Network"

Paul G. Nixon is a Senior Lecturer in Political Science at the The Hague University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands. He has contributed chapters to many edited collections on the use of ICTs particularly in the fields of political parties, electronic democracy and social welfare. He has co-edited four collections for Routledge; Understanding e-Government , E-Government in Europe, Political Parties and the Internet and Cyberprotest. He has also published in the fields of culture and literature including editing a collection entitled Representations of Education in Literature.
Rajash Rawal, The Hague University (de Haagse Hogeschool), The Netherlands
"Government Protest and Social Network"
Rajash Rawal is a senior lecturer in European Politics at the Academy of European Studies & 
Communication Management, at the Hague University, The Netherlands.  He is
a visiting lecturer at the Fachochschule, Eisenstadt, Austria and the Department of
European Studies, Budapest Business School. He is a research fellow within the
European Public Management Research Group.  He has contributed chapters to many
edited collections on the use of ICTs in politics, particularly in the focussing on,
electronic democracy and social inclusion and Cyberterror and its impacts on freedom
and security on the Web. 

Jeremy Millard, Danish Technological Institute, Denmark


"eGovernment Strategies around the World" 


Jeremy Millard has 35 years experience working with new technology and  society, and has worked with governments, regional development agencies, and the private and civil sectors in all parts of the world. He is by background a geographer and social scientist and now works as a consultant, but started his career with large  IT companies in the UK and in the public sector. Recent assignments include leading  a pan-European study on eParticipation and  developing a 2020 eGovernment vision for the European Commission, the eGovernment Awards 2007, and expert support for the OECD, the UN and the Council of Europe.  


Muammer Kaya, Technological Research Center (TEKAM), Osmangazi University, Turkey

"Evaluation Of World E-Government Rankings in 2010"

Muammer Kaya is a senior lecturer in Engineering Faculty of  Eskisehir-Osmangazi University in Turkey for the last 20 years.  He obtained his B.Sc. from Engineering Faculty of Anadolu University in 1977. Dr. Kaya graduated from  McGill University Engineering Faculty with M.Sc. and Ph.D. Degree in 1984 and 1989 respectively in Canada.  Along with his engineering studies,  Dr. Kaya is interested in webometric rankings of countries, universities and research centers in the world. For the last 15 years, Dr. Kaya is the director of Technological Research Center (TEKAM) of Eskisehir-Osmangazi University. Prof. Dr. Kaya published numerious papers in engineering, research and development (R&D) in Turkey, brain drain from Turkey, University-Industry-Government relations, e-government/governance and economics. He is also the director of Eskisehir-Osmangazi University Vocational High School.