Numerous eminence keynote speakers,  distinguished scholars of business, management, marketing, economics, finance as well as outstanding researchers from other social sciences and humanities have been invited to our conferences in the past years... Please have a look at our portfolio of speakers here.


Speakers invited in the past years: our portfolio of speakers



Pat Williams-Boyd, Eastern Michigan University. USA


“Freeway Segregation, Community Schools and the Urban Poor”


Dr. Pat Williams-Boyd is Professor of Education at Eastern Michigan University.  She has received numerous scholarships, grants and awards, including Teacher of the Year, Excellence in Teaching, Outstanding Service to the College of Education, Outstanding Professor of Middle Level Education and Woman of excellence Award, to name a few.  Her publications and presentations address issues such as educational leadership, excellence in middle level education, poverty and full-service community schools, qualitative research, critical thinking and empowerment. She has been an invited speaker throughout the United States and Europe. 



 Semih Yildirim, York University, Canada


"Sensitivity of Stock Market Indices to Oil Prices: Evidence from Manufacturing Sub-Sectors in Turkey”


Professor Yildirim earned his Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee in 2003 and his MBA degree from Rochester Institute of Technology in 1998. Dr. Yildirim’s research interests encompass regulation, the market structure of the financial services industry and their effects on competitive conduct and performance of the financial services firms.  His research has been published in a wide range of academic journals, including: Journal of Banking and Finance, European Journal of Finance, Managerial Finance, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Applied Financial Economics.




Ahmet Burcin Yereli, Hacettepe University,Turkey


“The Fiscal Rule – Is the only way to carry out fiscal stability?”


Professor Yereli is Dean of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Hacettepe University.  He was visiting scholar at the Manas University (Kyrgyzstan) in 2007 for one year. He is founder-director of Centre for Market Economics and Entrepreneurship. He is editor in chief of Sosyoekonomi Journal. Prof. Yereli gives lessons about Budgeting, Local Government’s Finance, Public Choice, Constitutional Economics and Law & Economics. He has books about “Economic Freedom” and “Informel Economy” and some other papers about economics-law-public finance.