Social Sciences
Research Society (SOSRES), will have the right to publish all or
selected papers presented at the conference in print and
electronically. These may be dealt with separately and/or in a
collection of books.
Presenters of
papers are not obliged to have their papers published in the
Conference proceedings.
Publication will
be based on the following terms of publishing agreement:
1. Social
Sciences Research Society (SOSRES) will provide the author with one
free printed copy of the work when it is first published. The author
may purchase additional printed copies at a discount of 20% (fifty
percent) of the recommended retail price.
2.Copyright will
be attributed to the SoSRes. However, authors have full right to
publish their papers elsewhere.
3.The author(s)
assure Social Sciences Research Society (as a publisher) that the
material contained in the paper is not defamatory, unlawful,
obscene, invasive of another person's privacy, hateful, racially or
ethnically objectionable, abusive, threatening, harmful or in
contempt of court, and undertake to indemnify Social Sciences
Research Society (SOSRES) against any claims which may be made in
situations where material is considered to be any of these things,
or has any of these effects.
4. The author(s)
assure Social Sciences Research Society (SOSRES) that the paper
presented is based entirely on original material, that it does not
infringe anybody else's copyright. In the case of copyright
material, such as the use of quotes or images beyond what is legally
considered 'fair use', the author(s) and/or editor(s) will undertake
to arrange, and if necessary to pay for, permissions, and retain
documentation proving that these permissions have been secured. The author(s) agree to indemnify Social Sciences Research Society (SOSRES)
against any claims as a result of breech of the copyright of others.
5. By submitting
a paper at the conference, the author(s) agree with the publication
of the presented paper by Social Sciences Research Society (SOSRES).
Those who are not interested in having their papers published,
should inform the editor.