Keynote Speaker

Jeremy Millard, Danish Technological Institute, Denmark


"Open Governance -- the Role and Impact of ICT in Engaging Citizens and Civil Society."

Jeremy Millard has 35 years experience working with new technology and  society, and has worked with governments, regional development agencies, and the private and civil sectors in all parts of the world. He is by background a geographer and social scientist and now works as a consultant, but started his career with large  IT companies in the UK and in the public sector. Recent assignments include leading  a pan-European study on eParticipation and  developing a 2020 eGovernment vision for the European Commission, the eGovernment Awards 2007, and expert support for the OECD, the UN and the Council of Europe.







Guest  Speakers

Christine Leitner, Head of Center for European Public Administration (CEPA), Austria

"European eGovernment Policy and Practice: Perspectives from the European eGovernment Awards 2009"

Dr. Christine Leitner, Head of the Center for European Public Administration (CEPA) at Danube-University Krems (AT), is programme director of the European eGovernment Awards and course director of the Executive MPA. She was Senior Lecturer at the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) (NL) and Visiting Lecturer at Maastricht University, University of Roma III, J.F.Kennedy School at Harvard University and the University of Applied Sciences in Bern. She is board member of the Estonian eGovernance Academy, acted as delegate of the EPAN eGovernment group and reviewer in EU programmes. She is author of various publications in the field of eGovernment, and was a speaker in a number of international conferences.




Anthony M. Cresswell, Center for Technology in Government, University at Albany, USA

""Understanding Public Value:  A Framework for e-Government Development and Assessment."

Anthony M. Cresswell is the Interim Director of the Center for Technology in Government, University at Albany. Dr. Cresswell directs the Center’s work in IT research and innovation projects. He serves on the faculties of Informatics and Educational Administration & Policy Studies. He is an expert in management and organizational studies and has applied this knowledge in state and federal IT project in the US and internationally. He formerly served on the faculties of Northwestern and Carnegie-Mellon Universities, and as an Advisor in the US Office of Management of Budget. Cresswell holds a doctorate from Columbia University.





Ann Macintosh,  Co-Director Centre for Digital Citizenship &
The University of Leeds, UK
"Is There a Future for eParticipation? "

Professor Ann Macintosh is Professor of Digital Governance and co-director of the Centre of Digital Citizenship at the University of Leeds. Her work in digital governance is both applied and conceptual; the aim is not simply to design applications using new media, but to understand the changing nature of citizenship and governance in a networked society. She has acted as a specialist advisor for the OECD, the UN and the Commonwealth Secretariat. In 2009 she was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Örebro University, Sweden for recognition of her work in eParticipation, in particular the interplay between humans, technology and governance.


Michael A. H. Turner, e-Government Strategies, Canada


"Learning by Doing --- The Emerging Fundamentals for eGovernment Success".


While with the Canadian Federal Government, Mr. Turner was a senior official accountable for executive leadership and management of ICT operations for its common services agency, and its CIO. Mr. Turner was a key member of the team responsible for Canada’s success in implementing Internet based e-Government services for its citizens. This included responsibility for the delivery and management of common technology infrastructure supporting Canada’s Government On-Line initiative. Michael now provides advice and support to government and private sector executives on strategic technology management issues, with a particular focus on e-Government initiatives and the development and management of IT & telecommunications solutions.


Robert Krimmer, Director and Founder of the Competence Center for Electronic Voting and
Participation, Austria

"The Evolvement of Electronic Voting as an Additional Voting Channel for Legally Binding Elections"

Director and Founder of the Competence Center for Electronic Voting and Participation (E-Voting.CC); Election observer (with focus on e-voting) amongst others in Estonia, Venezuela, USA, and Russia; Speaker at international conferences in Europe and the US; 1999-2001 Chairman of Student Union, 2007-2009 Chairman of Doctoral Students Chapter at Vienna University of Economics; Over 50 international publications, 3 edited books; Awarded by BMW, Kurier (Newspaper), and the New York University.


David C. Wyld, Director of the College of Business’ Strategic e-Commerce/e-Government Initiative, Southeastern Louisiana University, USA


“The Promise and Challenges of Cloud Computing for Government."

David C. Wyld currently serves as the Robert Maurin Professor of Management at Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond, Louisiana. He is the Director of the College of Business’ Strategic e-Commerce/e-Government Initiative, the Founding Editor of the Journal of Strategic e-Commerce. He has established himself as one of the leading academic experts on emerging applications of technology in both the public and private sector.


 Jamal Shahin,Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Institute for European Studies

"Future Trends in e-governance: Linking Policy, Practice and Research"

Jamal Shahin is a researcher in the field of e-governance,  particularly in a European context. He is Postdoctoral Research Fellow  at the Institute for European Studies (Vrije Universiteit Brussel),  lecturer in European Studies at the University of Amsterdam; Senior Visiting Consultant at the Danish Technology Institute. His research  and teaching examines changing patterns of governance in the digital  age, with a focus on the evolution of institutions and democracy. He  has carried out consultancy work on an international level for various  organisations, including the OECD, the European Commission and the  Committee of the Regions.

Flavia Marzano, Member of Italian National Committees on eGovernment, eDemocracy, Italy

"Social Networking for eDemocracy"

MSc in Computer Science has been working on e-government for almost twenty years; she is involved in many research projects for application of ICTs in Public Administrations. Strategic Advisor for Public Administrations on Innovation, e-Government, e-Participation, Standards and Free Software adoption and regulations. Member of Italian national committees on eGovernment, eDemocracy, Open source and Innovation. Evaluator-reviewer of IST European Projects. Active in the definition of Italian eGoverment and eParticipation Action Plans and related call for projects and evaluations.

 Ibrahim Kushchu, Mobile Government Consortium International, UK
"How  Does Mobile Government Complement  eGovernment?"
Dr Ibrahim Kushchu is an expert on management systems and artificial  intelligence. 
Combining his management studies and his expertise in  artificial intelligence, Prof. Kushchu 
has been working for business  schools both in the UK and in Japan and teaching various 
information  communication technology courses especially related to electronic  business and 
mobile business. Prof. Kushchu is an internationally  recognised and pioneering researcher in 
developing the mobile government field by bringing into the light the issues related to the  
use of mobile technologies in electronic government. He  also worked with various 
multi-national companies including CISCO,  NOKIA, and NTT DoCoMo at projects 
involving educational events, research, and consultancy. 
Christopher G. Reddick, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA

"eGovernment in Local Government: Customer Relationship Management: Issues and Trends in U.S. Cities"

Christopher G. Reddick, the chair of the Department of Public Administration at the University of Texas at San Antonio. His research and teaching interests are in e-government. Reddick recently edited the Handbook of Research on Strategies for Local E-Government Adoption and Implementation: Comparative Studies (ISR, 2009) and Handbook of Employee Benefits and Administration (CRC Press, 2008).


Karen Mossberger, University of Illinois at Chicago.  USA

"Can E-Government Promote Informed Citizenship and Civic Engagement?"

Karen Mossberger is Professor of Public Administration at the University of Illinois at Chicago.  Her work on e-government and on information technology policy has appeared in Public Administration Review, Social Science Quarterly, and Urban Affairs Review, and won the best paper award for the Public Policy Section of the American Political Science Association in 2005 Recent books include Digital Citizenship:  The Internet, Society and Participation (MIT Press, 2008 with Caroline Tolbert and Ramona McNeal) and Virtual Inequality:  Beyond the Digital Divide (Georgetown University Press, 2003, with Caroline Tolbert and Mary Stansbury).

Ignace Snellen, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

"Challenges from e-Government and e-Governance: The Road Ahead"

Dr Ignace Snellen is a professor in Public Administration at Erasmus University of Rotterdam. He graduated in Law and in Political Science at the University of Amsterdam. The last 25 years his main fields of interest and research were fundamentals of Public Administration as a discipline and applications of Information and Communication Technology in public administration as a practice. His  (together with Professor Van de Donk) "Public Administration in an Information Age: a Handbook" IOSpress 1998 is being up-dated and will re-appear in 2010. On the "Foundations of Public Administration" he published a book in Dutch and German.


Harald Baldersheim, University of Oslo, Norway

"Adding 'e' to Local Government: Towards a Research Agenda"

Professor of public administration at the University of Bergen 1977-95.  Professor of political science at the University of Oslo 1995 - present.  Chair, 2001-2005, the standing committee on comparative local government research in the International Political Science Association (IPSA). Vice Chair, 2007--, the standing committee on e-democracy (RC 10), in the International Political Science Association (IPSA). Recent research projects:  E-democracy and e-government ; Measuring the quality of local democracy: Developing local democracy indicators.




Vishanth Weerakkody, Business School, Brunel University, UK

"A Framework for Evaluating Service Optimisation in E-Government"

Vishanth Weerakkody is a member of faculty and director of work placements in the
Business School at Brunel University. He holds an MSc in Business Systems Analysis
and Design from City University in London and a PhD in Business Process and
Information Systems Reengineering from the University of Hertfordshire, UK. His
current research interests include electronic government, process transformation and
change, and technology adoption and diffusion in the public sector.  He is the
editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Electronic Government Research.




Rajash Rawal, The Hague University (de Haagse Hogeschool), The Netherlands

"Terrorism, Privacy & Security on the Internet"

Rajash Rawal is a senior lecturer in European Politics at the Academy of European Studies & 
Communication Management, at the Hague University, The Netherlands.  He is
a visiting lecturer at the Fachochschule, Eisenstadt, Austria and the Department of
European Studies, Budapest Business School. He is a research fellow within the
European Public Management Research Group.  He has contributed chapters to many
edited collections on the use of ICTs in politics, particularly in the focussing on,
electronic democracy and social inclusion and Cyberterror and its impacts on freedom
and security on the Web.   



Yih-Jeou Wang, Head of Unit, Project Leader - OECD E-Government Project Innovation and Integrity Division Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate

"E-Government after the Crisis: A Strategic Asset for Economic Growth?"

Yih-Jeou Wang is Head of Unit and responsible for OECD's activities in the area of ICT use in the public sector (e-government). He joined the OECD in December 2005 from a position as Head of Division in the Danish National IT and Telecom Agency responsible for national and international ICT security policy. He has over a period of more than 15 years been responsible for policy and strategy development of Information Society and e-government in different ministries (Finance, Education and Research, and Science, Technology, and Innovation), and has in a short period worked as a senior adviser in the Confederation of Danish Industries responsible for the development of e-business policies and strategies for the Danish industry. He has for more than six years been an external examiner at the IT University of Copenhagen and Copenhagen Business School.





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