Submissions will be received electronically via Easychair.



Submission Procedure


Submitted papers should be uploaded through the Easychair conference management system.

To submit your paper, please follow the instructions below.

1. If you don't have an EasyChair account, please register to obtain an account using a valid e-mail address.

2. Then, log in to EasyChair using the following link:

3. Upon a successful login, you will see the Main Interface. Click on 'New Submission'.

4. Fill out the information on the corresponding author, co-authors, title, and abstract. Note that a (*) marks a mandatory field that must be specified.

5. Please specify at least 2 keywords describing your submission and select one or more of the topics listed below that are relevant to your paper.

6. Click on Choose File to select the file to upload and make sure that it is in only Microsoft Word format (.doc)

7. Finally, press the 'Submit Paper' button to complete the submission. You will receive a confirmation e-mail that your submission was successful.

8. Please do not send us your abstract as well as full-paper submissions by email.


Instructions for Full Paper Submission


Note: The full paper file format should only be .doc.





Please prepare your full paper in accordance with the following instructions.


No paper will be accepted unless it fully complies with the full-paper template and given instructions.


Authors are advised to look at the full-paper template first.


Please download the following:




Electronic copy: In MSWORD word-processing software. Please label the saved file <your name_surname.doc>.



Paper Length


10 pages (maximum)




Font Type: Times New Roman
Font Size (text) : 12
Font Size (Tables and Figures) : 10




Alignment: Left

Outline Level: Body Text




Left: 0

Right: 0




Before: 6
After: 6
Line Spacing: Single



Page Setup




Top: 2,5 cm

Bottom: 2,5 cm

Left: 1,5 cm

Right: 1,5 cm



Paper Size:


Special Size

Width : 17 cm
Height : 24 cm